Current database composition

Unpublished data:
# runs: 745
Enrichment strategy: Fe-IMAC, TiO2
Instruments: LTQ Orbitrap Velos, Q-Exactive, Fusion
Source: MCF7, HeLa S3, HepG2
Enzyme: Trypsin

1. Sharma K et. al. Ultradeep human phosphoproteome reveals a distinct regulatory nature of Tyr and Ser/Thr-based signaling. Cell Rep. 2014.

Data availability:
# runs: 141
Enrichment strategy: TiO2, pY antibody
Instrument: Q-Exactive
Source: HeLa S3
Enzyme: LysC/Trypsin

2. de Graaf EL et al. Single step enrichment by Ti4+-IMAC and label free quantitation enables in-depth monitoring of phosphorylation dynamics with high reproducibility and temporal resolution. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2014.

Data availability:
# runs: 103
Enrichment strategy: Ti-IMAC
Instrument: LTQ Orbitrap Elite
Source: Jurkat
Enyzme: LysC/Trypsin